The EU is strategically positioning itself ahead in the development of “Web4.0,” with a focus on strengthening integration with the metaverse and artificial intelligence (AI). What distinguishes it from Web3.0?

The European Union’s interest in leading the development of “Web4.0” stems from its strategic vision to play a significant role in shaping the future of digital technologies. By positioning itself at the forefront of Web4.0, the EU aims to influence the direction and standards of the next phase of the internet.

Several reasons contribute to the EU’s interest in leading Web4.0:

  1. Innovation and Competitiveness: Being a pioneer in emerging technologies, such as the integration of the metaverse and artificial intelligence, can enhance the EU’s global competitiveness and economic growth.
  2. Technological Sovereignty:The EU seeks to assert technological sovereignty and reduce dependence on non-European technology providers. Leading Web4.0 allows the EU to set its own standards and have greater control over digital infrastructure.
  3. Digital Transformation: Embracing and leading the development of Web4.0 aligns with the EU’s broader digital transformation goals. It enables the region to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and harness the potential benefits for its citizens and businesses.
  4. Global Influence: By taking a lead in Web4.0, the EU can shape international conversations and collaborations related to digital standards, regulations, and ethical considerations. This influence is crucial as the digital landscape becomes increasingly globalized.
  5. Job Creation and Economic Impact:Driving innovation in Web4.0 technologies can lead to the creation of new businesses, industries, and job opportunities within the EU, contributing to economic prosperity.
  6. Metaverse Integration: Web4.0 emphasizes enhanced integration with the metaverse. The metaverse is a virtual world typically realized through Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, aiming to create an environment simulating the real world. Web4.0 will delve deeper into integrating this concept, making it a crucial space for online interaction and collaboration.
  7. AI Integration: Web4.0 highlights the broader application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies within the net. This includes leveraging machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI techniques to elevate the intelligence level of the net, enabling it to better understand and meet user needs.
  8. Upgrade from Web3.0: Web3.0 is a concept of a decentralized net designed to achieve a more open, collaborative, and secure internet environment. Web4.0 can be seen as a further upgrade to Web3.0, through more profound integration of the metaverse and AI, providing a richer, smarter, and more interactive net experience.

Overall, Web4.0 will further propel the development of net technologies, making them more adaptive to the requirements of the digital world in the future. EU’s decision to talk about leading Web4.0 is part of its broader strategy to position itself as a key player in the evolving digital landscape and to leverage the potential benefits of emerging technologies for the region’s growth and influence.

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